Channel: buoyancy | Revolution-Green

Rosch overflow


The Rosch discussion is still continuing (and Rosch are still being promoted by PESN) but the comments on the last article have now exceeded the limit after which Disqus gets to be a bit unreliable in showing them all, so some users are starting to see their comments disappear and reappear somewhat randomly.


We thus need a new string for the discussion, since I don’t see this stopping anytime soon. There are still announcements fuelling the fire, and I suppose there will be bound to be a court case sometime as people realise that their orders have not been delivered (and won’t be) and that their money has disappeared.


There’s also bound to be discussion of the other goings-on at PESN here, since there are an unfortunate number of dubious things to discuss. Given the editing that happens, if you’re going to talk about something scurrilous then maybe it’s a good idea to not only give a link but also copy/paste the specific selection you’re talking about so it doesn’t get disappeared when others go look.


Although we’d rather talk about good science here, the bad science and magical thinking do tend to garner most comments if you look at the site history. This is probably because the good science doesn’t need countering.


Welcome to some new whitespace to fill….



Update 25 July 2015 to add some useful links that people have put into the comments:

Stuart’s comments are at https://disqus.com/by/NextFM/    (thanks PA32R)

Now changed to https://disqus.com/by/peswiki2015/ (29 July 2015), and again to https://disqus.com/by/pesn2015/ (31 July 2015). Changed again to “kppisreal” and so I think Stuart is reading this and changing it frequently. Just click on his name in the comments (use the links below) if you want to see what he’s replied. Obviously he’s not proud of what he’s written if he thinks changing the link to it will keep it secret.

PESN and PESWIKI comments are at https://disqus.com/home/forum/pesn/ and https://disqus.com/home/forum/peswiki/  (thanks Pete).

Rosch patent application is at http://www.google.com/patents/DE102009043356A1?cl=de  and the subsequent patent application from 2012 is at http://www.google.com/patents/DE102012022016A1?cl=de  (thanks sci)

It looks like this is going to keep going for a while, and I’ll add any other useful links that turn up.

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The Mexican KPP Buoyancy Machine


Mexican company generates energy by Archimedes Principle

I viewed the following post on our site  and many thanks to Gabriel. It seem like Sterling and Stuart will soon have competition over the border.
Post by  GabrielJM : Seems like lot other people around the globe wants to take “advantage($$$$)” of Kinetic Power plant “technology”, in Mexico a german resident Uwe Heinrich Rolli in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, is claiming to have a “kinetic Power PLant” that creates electricity from Rosch’s same idea, he is asking for 350k Pesos(~ 23k USD) to install a working plant. He named his company Gammatak. Here a Mexico’s newspaper article(in spanish): http://www.jornada.unam.mx/ult…

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A Mexican company rescued the wisdom of ancient Greek philosopher Archimedes to generate electricity from the law of buoyancy and succeeded.

This knowledge firm commitment Gammakat and applied on a clean energy plant called Kinetic Power Plant, which produces daily 115 kilowatt-hours, enough capacity to supply electricity to 10 houses a number of medium-sized or small offices rural communities without the need to install electrical infrastructure.

Consolidated in Merida, Yucatan, the company leverages also called Archimedes’ principle to generate kinetic energy and convert it into electricity.

“According to law, a body immersed in water undergoes an upward force called thrust equivalent to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. This is verifiable to throw a ball in a pool and it shot out upwards, “explained Uwe Heinrich Rolli, founder of the firm.

Kinetic Power Plant is composed of a water tank containing a mechanism for continuous rotation, similar to the drive system of a bicycle, where instead of pedaling and turn the gears are used to steel cylinders with holes that allow the exchange Water air to move.

The main advantage is that its duration is unlimited and once commissioning will generate electricity continuously, unlike solar cells or windmills. Also, avoid the use of raw material (fuel), of people operating the system, and is completely clean, as it does not emit greenhouse gases, reasons that make it more accessible and affordable for use in rural areas.

Uwe Heinrich said before starting the system for the first time requires a compressor that injects air into the cylinders;however, it takes only the first time as it continues moving.

“As the cylinder is dipped, compressed air is injected to fill and is subjected to a force to expel the water and continue the rotation of the system. Thus starts the power generating plant that has the capacity to produce 115 kilowatt-hours in a day “, he specified the innovator.

A feature of the plant is that it requires more than two meters long and five high to be installed. Unlike wind or solar panels, it is constant and does not depend on weather conditions. When generating 4.8 kilowatts per hour (115 per day) easily supports the home of a family of five people, you spend about 20 kilowatts in the day, stressed the director.

On the other hand, the estimated cost of the plant including the installation is 350 thousand dollars, because some parts must be imported from Switzerland through a German organization that belongs Gammakat director.

PS I do not believe or endorse this product in anyway. It remains unproven and will be interesting watching the fallout in the next few months. 
Kind Regards
Mark Dansie

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Rosch overflow overflow


Energy_cartoonUli suggested another Rosch overflow area was needed as the last one had reached 480 comments.


As with the last one, comments on crazy claims or responses from PESN will fit into this heading, and as usual any links to other odd happenings may be given a conversation-header of their own.



PESN and PESWIKI comments are at https://disqus.com/home/forum/pesn/ and https://disqus.com/home/forum/peswiki/  (thanks Pete).

Rosch patent application is at http://www.google.com/patents/DE102009043356A1?cl=de  and the subsequent patent application from 2012 is at http://www.google.com/patents/DE102012022016A1?cl=de  (thanks sci)

To get to Stuart’s bad-tempered replies, use one of the PES links and click on his name. No point in putting a link specifically since he’s changing it once he notices I’ve updated the link here.

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Aaron Willis resigns from PES Network

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As reported by On August 3, Aaron Willis resigned from PES Network, not being comfortable with PES’ very positive endorsement of the KPP technology.

Link: http://pesn.com/2015/08/04/9602646_Possible-Rosch-KPP-power-source_Bob-Neal-like-self-sustaining-air-compressor/

aaron_willis_300 (1)It has been his view that PES should be neutral on all technologies, and not get involved financially with them. He still remains supportive of the quest for exotic free energy technologies. Here at Revolution-Green we have a lot of respect for Aaron and are sad on his departure. Many of our readers have also expressed their support of Aaron.

Aaron is a man of integrity and it is fully understandable why he has resigned without getting into the details or speculating. I really look forward to following Aaron’s progress and wish him all the best.

Free Energy Quest

Aaron will pursue his own free energy ideas around air compressors and buoyancy. In his own words:

“I want to clearly state up front that I am not endorsing the Rosch KPP (Kinetic Power Plant). While I have some serious doubts about their setup, as I have analyzed it remotely, to the best of my ability, I find the idea quite intriguing and I am not ready to call them frauds. Time will clearly make that known.

I have applied considerable amounts of rational thought and some bench testing to Rosch’s claims. I do not believe at this time that it can work as they have it configured, but I do find a modicum of merit in their idea. I have written several articles addressing my different thoughts on the idea.

This first article addresses the fundamental working principle. From my tests, the paternoster floats will turn and cycle so long as a sufficient volume of compressed air is available. My test failed by orders of magnitude in replicating Rosch’s power claims using some off the shelf parts, but it did demonstrate that the floats will cycle with an adequate supply of air. We can argue about sagging chains, gear strength, hidden wires, mysterious 3rd forces and motor generators later. ”

The series of articles will be published by PES Network and I am sure will be good reading.

On a further note, despite claims to the contrary, we are experiencing a growth in our visitors to the site and are taking measures to accommodate the growing volume of traffic. We will continue to have an one policy regarding comments and all comments including ones critical of us and what we publish is welcome.

We are always interested in stories from inventors like Tommey Reed and appreciate the time many of you put into your comments on our stories. I also appreciate the email we get and apologize that sometimes it takes time to deal with them all,

Kind Regards


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PES Validation of Rosch’s KPP Technology

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I was going to leave Rosch’e KPP technology topic alone for a while, especially given the publication of a letter (authenticity not confirmed) indicating not all things are well at GAIA.  Time always eventually reveals the truth. However I felt some of the claims being made by PESN needed challenging.

I have no intention of attacking the person or persons (Stuart and Sterling). I am just questioning the statements being made in relation to the technology. They honestly believed in what they were shown.

Article link: http://www.pureenergysystems.com/Validations/Rosch-KPP/

images (95)The article states :”We are fully satisfied that there were no hidden wires going to the ~18 kW Kinetic Power Plant (KPP) output system, and that it was indeed self-looping with excess energy available for powering a load.”

There were several questions raised by the readers and relayed onto Sterling and Stuart where reasonable doubt still existed. Tests which were simple to perform we not conducted including a torque test that would have removed a  considerable amount of doubt.  Excuses were made that often boarded on the ridiculous why tests where no performed including  that engineers did not bother as it was so obvious running as claimed.

Point by Point

“On June 19, my PES Network, Inc. associate, Stuart Campbell and I traveled to Spich, Germany to personally witness two KPP systems in operation over a four day period of time. The trip was paid for by Rosch Innovations, AG. A blog regarding our trip can be found via http://tinyurl.com/Rosch-15kW-Demo

This is where part of the problem is. It is not uncommon to pay expenses for professional and companies to come test and validate. In this case Sterling and Stuart did not have the professional experience, instruments or ability to perform independent third party tests


“Classical physics would predict that such a system would never produce excess energy, but there are some proprietary aspects to the technology that are not disclosed.”

Classical physics  still predicts it will never produce any energy and no data, evidence or independent testing has been made available that would support it would. There have been no peer reviewed papers provided other than an old cut and paste document from the past which had been previously discredited


“Since we know that there are many plugs by which the wheelwork of nature can be harnessed, our task wasn’t to find out how the system works, but to assess whether or not it works; and our conclusion is that it does work.”

There has never been a paper published or any evidence of any plugs by which the wheelwork of nature can be harnessed.

1. The questions is who knows ? (Since we know)

2 What are these plugs?

3. Where is there any evidence of the whelwork of nature in operation?

These are just emotive non scientific statements based on fantasy, delusion and and a false ideology
One of the demonstrator systems was the smaller 180-Watt Plexiglass system on wheels, which they didn’t want to run for too long — maybe 6-8 hours — because it is not engineered for that and was nearing the need for refurbishment (you could see an excess of bubbles emerging, for example), and they wanted to give a few more demonstrations before refurbishing. This is the same as was reported by TUV Inter-Cert to run without the battery dropping in voltage, showing that the batteries were not supplying the power.

There are some misleading statements in this statement. There were no tests done by TUV as such, just by an associated company. The tests were inadequate in many ways, especially how the batteries were measured.  The batteries were connected at all times. If they were not supplying any energy why not either disconnect them or substitute them with capacitors ?

There has never been an independent recorded test run in duration that exceeded a reasonable run time that could account for the energy stored in the batteries.

The other demonstrator system that we witnessed and proved (the primary reason for our trip) was a large tower tube system around 10 meters high that was producing around 15 kilowatts continuously, <7.5kW going to the load, and 7.5 kW going to the compressor. They lifted the air compressor off the ground with a fork lift, so we could see that there were no wires coming to it from the ground. We also ruled out any kind of wire going to the system through the air hose from the tube tower, both during operation, and then by disconnecting the hose immediately after shut-off. They also emptied the tube of its water so they could open the two windows and we could see clearly inside that there was nothing hidden in there, such as a water-proof motor. That left the only possible place for a hidden wire to be in the table holding the generator that was being turned by the chain from the tower assembly. They didn’t unfasten the table and lift the table due to the engineering required to secure the table to withstand the 1500 Newton force on the chain. It takes three days for the glue to dry.

Having installed many large industrial machines in factories over many years i find in fascinating they would use glue to attach the table.

  1. The most obvious reason is the force is rotational on the shaft and not directly against the table.
  2. The most secure, fast and economical way is to frill a hole and use concrete bolts that expand when tightened. They come by many names. The usual procedure is to secure a plate then attach to the plate.
  3. I think the chain would brake with that force

Stuart had a high-end FLIR C2 thermal imagery camera that we used to check the infrared heat signature coming all around the table, and we are completely satisfied that the generator was as being depicted — a generator, not a motor, with a pass-through power cable going to the load.

Stuart had a reasonable quality camera, but it was not a scientific instrument and the wrong instrument to be looking for hidden wires. It is easy to shield these cables against thermal signatures.

I found the Rosch team members to be like a family, having a good rapport with one another, supporting each other, friendly. But that did not distract from their professionalism. They presented themselves with professional courtesy. We were given essentially free reign of the premises, to come and go through the premises (non-private offices space) as we wished. They were solicitous of our needs, making sure we had whatever beverages and food to be satisfied. They were likewise very cordial outside of the office, taking us on a tour of Cologne, taking us to dinner. Very pleasant experience overall, notwithstanding how busy they obviously were.

This is exactly the same scenario with The John Rohner team.

  1. “feeling part of the family”
  2. 2. Being wined and dined

One significant weakness that I will point out is that they are not the best at communicating by email. Responses sometimes take quite a while to get, and sometimes don’t come at all. I would ascribe this to their being inundated with tasks, and their not being able to attend to all tasks, even some important tasks. Persistence and patience pays off.

Overall, I have high confidence in both the technology and the team, and expect good success, both in this project and others that are in process of emerging.

Sterling D. Allan

I believe Sterling and Stuart believe what they saw and have every right to express their opinion. They also to the best of their abilities explored every possible angle.  I in no way believe they are being deceitful.

However what they did in testing and validation fall way short of scientific and professional standards. This is where I, and many other engineers would want to do our own due diligence or testing before accepting these claims.

We have been here 100 times before with companies and individuals making free energy claims. None to date have ever resulted in a commercially successful or useful way of generating energy.  There are some areas of interest worthwhile investigating like LENR, but that may not become a reality in a viable way until:

  1. The processes involved are understood
  2.  The reliability of the event becomes more consistent
  3. The engineering issues are overcome

So no cigar and if I was looking into purchasing any free energy system I would take the buyer beware path and insist on my own independent testing.

Finally the question must be asked why this revolutionary method of energy production, or if you like perpetual motion not taken the world by storm. Perhaps that may be a direct reflection of the credibility of the independent testing to date. Perhaps no one is convinced yet.

It will be interesting to see how Gaia’s progress in building the units pans out in the next few weeks or months or if any of their membership gets a KPP in time to light up their Xmas trees.


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Gaia turnkey AuKW – an epic fail


netjournalPart 1

Thanks to Uli for this heads-up. Since we can’t put up files in comments and can only put in a picture, I’m putting up this .pdf in an article for comments.

This article is just as full of belief as PESN’s main articles on the subject, and this time there’s a professor who states that it works and explains exactly why. The said professor is an emeritus professor in IT as far as I can tell, and has been theorising on Aether science for a while. Despite saying it can work, he doesn’t seem to have built one and proved it.

I know a couple of people who have actually tried to honestly build one and see if it works. One was Aaron Willis (formerly of PESN) and he found that it didn’t even though he wanted it to. He wrote up his experience with some ideas of how it could work, but his subsequent articles that would have given more actual measurements never got published.

Here’s the file Uli sent me – it’s in German and there are 18 pages in all, and my translation skills are not up to giving you a good translation anyway.


However, the really interesting thing I noticed was that on page 6 of the file (marked as page 8 on the page) they say that GAIA will sell you a turnkey-ready system for 29000 euros. I hadn’t seen that offer before, having seen only kits on offer that the buyer had to build themselves. This is a net price, and you need to add VAT on top. Still, they are charging around 15,590 euros to assemble it for you which is a lot of money for a bit of bolting stuff together. The interesting thing about this is that if they offer a turnkey system then they also have to guarantee that it works and can be sued if it doesn’t. You can’t blame the kit-builder for getting it wrong or say it’s only for experimental use and not for generating real power. I feel a bit sorry for the Gaia members who believe it works and are going to get somewhat stuffed with the legal problems.

The explanation by Professor Alfred Evert has some ideas on how it works and how to optimise the output. Obviously he hasn’t actually tested the ideas out, since he’d find that buoyancy (like all gravity engines except tidal engines) does not produce free work. There’s no energy loop, so the only work you can get out is the work you put in (minus the losses). Physics is an experimental subject, and all ideas (no matter how reasonable or strange) need to be checked against reality. Build one and show us the data. It’s pretty simple really.

I should note that this Net Journal article was published in the May/June edition so this is a little out of date, but then again deliveries weren’t going to be before around now anyway even if Gaia could make it work. As far as I can tell Gaia (at least the people on the ground there) still think it will work but are having problems with the battery discharging more the more power they draw. Getting it working the way they expect will undoubtedly take more time than they have….

Part 2

Defamation Cases

I (Mark Dansie) thought I would build on this story a little further. (hope that is ok Simon)

Back earlier when we started reporting on this scam, there were many threats made to any website or person that did not comply to the beliefs or dare question. Stuart from PESN made it very clear legal action would be taken and sites would be shut down, starting in Germany.

One of the most vocal or critical sites was the Boeser wolf.  :

Link:  http://www.boeser-wolf.eu/?S=AuKW_Chronik&D=2015-09-04

The following post recently appeared showing how this move backfired in trying to shut down this site in particular. This is translated from German

“Today the big bad wolf has once again flabbergasted. He vigorously rubbed their eyes in disbelief, because in his post was a letter from the prosecutor’s office of Linz. He was notified that a case against him has been set. The strange thing about it was that he knew nothing of this process!

Both the Safe the Planet AG in Amriswil in Switzerland as well as the Rosh Innovations Germany GmbH had reported him for alleged defamation.

The prosecutor, however, has issued a “admixture” the following explanation:

. Subject factual part of the lawyer Christoph Miczek from 05.08.2015, ha arrived on 10/08/2015, against Wolfgang SÜß on suspicion of defamation and other offenses relating to the public allegations to “lift power plant Save The Planet AG and Rosh Innovations Germany GmbH company – terminating the proceeding on legal grounds because of the offense of defamation was not objectively and realized there otherwise possibly not acted of its own motion to be pursued private prosecution offenses. “

So that was the next shot that backfired, dear friends of the energy out of nowhere. I can even understand that their so responsive that you turn your skins see them swim … Now you have so much energy invested in your fraud – and nothing comes out of it. Yes, times are changing. Nowadays one can no longer so easy to sell miracle vials as his time in the Wild West ... and even the credulous Gaier slowly die out … who know that they have gone into the trap crooks and just looking for a Stragie as with come out as little loss of face out of this thing.”

As you can see that at least in this case the action failed. There are no doubt many other cases pending or in process.

The best way to prove all the skeptics wrong and end media criticism is to have something third party tested, published in a journal or peer reviewed. However this has never been the case.


It has been reported in at least one forum, the all mystery: http://www.allmystery.de/themen/gw113123-1795 that refunds have been successfully sort from the some Gaia members. The good news is the money (after threats of legal action) have been refunded in full. Although still speculative it has also been suggested that the numbers on order are now sub 200.

The site has over 1800 pages of comments and takes hours to read,but is very entertaining.

I do hope Stuart comes forwarded with an update. At present no Gaia member has received their ordered device or any reports of a working device been made available for members to examine.

It can take time for these situations to fully unravel, and they way they unravel is normally a defining silence or in the case of the QEG a lot of noise about paid trolls and a reinvention of their own historical claims and statements.

I am sure in due course the German legal system will catch up as they did with Mike Brady and a few others.


Update from Peacelovewoodstock from 17th September:

1: His google-translated first part of the file: netjournal-googletranslate  and the source in text format rather than photo format in case you find a better translator: NET0515S4-8



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Buoyancy Machine Inventor Wayne Travis under Investigation

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I was informed two days ago from an an email  sent by Wayne that a warranted agency had visited him. Earlier today I had a Skype call (text only) from Sterling asking questions on behalf of another journalist he was relaying the answers to. Sterling is running a story (which includes our Skype Chat) and I believe the journalist he was referring to wrote the following story. (click Link)


Like all buoyancy claims that had gone before this one has not to have been validated to date with an independently assessed proof of concept. It could result in some serious legal trouble for the inventor. It is always important to have a proof of concept independently assessed by people with the right qualifications. In this case some engineers and others form different parts of the word traveled there and believed in what they were presented. Others even produced YouTube video’s supporting the claims with simple science experiments. I believe this may have contributed into Wayne believing in what he was seeing.

All the scientists and engineers I introduced Wayne to did not share that opinion and felt a working proof of concept was needed to support the claims.

wayne tI had visited Wayne on three occasions. Although I liked Wayne and his team (engineers, family, friends and employees) I have never signed of on it being a free energy machine.  The conversation I had with Sterling (which he will publish as well) is a fair and accurate account of our conversation tells the story well about my observations and involvement . I have only edited one surname from the conversation.

Although I see no reason to defend my conduct in dealing with this technology,  I would like to point out that I never received fees, just travel expenses for evaluating the  technology. I was latter given (as I often am by various inventors, companies etc I have assisted or consulted to) a share of less than 1% of the company. This was unsolicited.  I  always feel bad abut accepting any gratuity from a technology I had not endorsed.

I normally give any shares I receive away to friends family or charity. After the Typhoon Yolanda hit in 2015 I decided to ask Wayne if I could liquidate part of the  share as I could help many people here. In doing so I felt it was a charitable act. The money was used to help many victims directly and through donations to church groups. We also  establish an ongoing enterprise where the profits assist in supporting a remote community, sponsors both secondary and college students and employs friends and family. I have no financial interest or ownership of any of the ongoing enterprises or proceeds apart from paying some education bills for my daughters from the share sale.

At the time I was also led to believe along with all the other shareholders that a billionaire investor named Erwin would be investing for the on going development of the technology and everyone would be rewarded richly. It was not until several months latter when “Erwin” did not show up for a banquet thrown by Wayne that serious doubts we raised of his intention.

I am sure many of you may view the accepting of the share as a fee for service, (I do not). If that is the case, then I should be treated as no different to any of the employees, trades people, consultants, service providers or contractors used to construct and run the prototypes. All these people and businesses received income in good faith and for fair and honest services renered.

Skype call with Sterling

(please ignore spelling errors and grammar as it was 3;30 am. I took the liberty of correcting a few)

[3:30:25 AM] Sterling D. Allan: Hi Mark,
It turns out that Wayne Travis of Zydro is under FBI investigation, and there are records of at least one payment going to you.
I’m curious when, how often, and how much you were paid by Wayne, and/or Zydro.
[3:32:42 AM] Mark Dansie: I received some shares from Wayne as a gift after several visits. I believe it was under 1%. I never recieved any payments for my consulting wok other than airfares.
[3:34:22 AM] Mark Dansie: Wayne said there was quiet a demand for the shares and we had a bad typhoon hit here. I had no idea what the shares were worth but asked if he could sell half so I could assist the families over here and help with some other bills.

[3:34:36 AM] Sterling D. Allan: did you ever see it “working” to your satisfaction, per claim?
[3:34:57 AM] Mark Dansie: I believe he sold about half of what I had and issued a new certificate
[3:36:23 AM] Mark Dansie: the answer is no although on one trip (my first ) it did appear to maintain the pressures. I visited on three occasions and was always promised a proof of Concept to review in the following weeks.
[3:36:56 AM] Mark Dansie: I also had requested that he did not use my name or any quotes of mine out of context for promoting the devcie.
[3:37:45 AM] Mark Dansie: I also arranged and introduced other people to go and assess the project including Jim (surname edited) and we all advised that he needed to have a working proof of concept.
[3:39:13 AM] Mark Dansie: I did however find Wayne to be a very decent person and met with some of his engineers. One engineer I met was very convinced and so were many other qualified people. However as I pointed out I was not qualified on commenting on their calculations.
[3:41:11 AM] Mark Dansie: At the time of selling my share to assist over here I was told like everyone else a big investor was about to buy into the company and the shares were going to be worth a lot of money. I was also like everyone else told it was a working project, but had not myself seen working proof of concept
[3:41:31 AM] Mark Dansie: that met my standard challenge of self running for a couple of days.
[3:41:53 AM] Mark Dansie: when I wrote about this project I focused more on the human story of a community coming together
[3:42:02 AM] Mark Dansie: you can quote me on that.
[3:42:23 AM] Mark Dansie: I think I visited three times over a 2 year period.
[3:42:30 AM] Mark Dansie: hope that helps
[3:43:08 AM] Mark Dansie: any other questions happy to assist
[3:43:40 AM] Sterling D. Allan: helpful, thx.
[3:45:10 AM] Sterling D. Allan: regarding: <<< One engineer I met was very convinced and so were many other qualified people.do you remember any of their names?
[3:45:19 AM] Mark Dansie: Wayne had a lot of people more qualified than myself claiming it worked I only saw promise on the first visit where it did maintain pressure, but the test was too short. On all my other visits I never did get to see a test that was what I would called a verification, but was promised I would be invited back to see one.
[3:46:35 AM] Mark Dansie: I wrote several emails along with Jim and others regarding the need for a proof of concept running rather than just spreed sheet calculations
[3:48:16 AM] Sterling D. Allan: is it okay if I publish your responses here (edited)?
[3:48:17 AM] Mark Dansie: I think I still have half of one percent shares in the company which as mentioned was give as a gift not for services rendered. I would not accept any payments for reviewing the technology only travel expenses.
[3:49:45 AM] Mark Dansie: yes that is fine but not out of context. I want to make it clear that I had never seen a proof of concept running that could be defined as a validation, rather that there could be some potential.
[3:49:59 AM | Edited 3:50:11 AM] Sterling D. Allan: that’s my recollection of your position as well.
[3:51:25 AM] Mark Dansie: Also the payment I received was the sale of some shares that was gifted to me and I did so at a time when it was made clear that a big investor was about to come in and take over. I wanted the funds to assist family, friends and others at the times from the destruction of the typhoon Yolanda.
[3:52:16 AM] Mark Dansie: The share was not a fee for service it was a gift that came at least 12 months latter after my first visit
[3:53:01 AM] Sterling D. Allan: about how much was the gift?
[3:53:16 AM] Mark Dansie: he was given a very stern warning about using my name to promote the the technology especially out of context quotes
[3:54:13 AM] Sterling D. Allan: I’ve never known him to use your name to promote.
[3:55:23 AM] Sterling D. Allan: about how much was the gift?
[3:57:15 AM] Mark Dansie: The gift its was less than 1% of the company as a share not cash. I had no idea what the value was. Wayne then sold half of that 1% at whatever the current price he valued at it was as there was demand for the shares. I just asked him to liquidate it so I could help out the people here. I cant recall how much exactly as it was in dribs and drabs but it was a few thousand dollars.
[3:58:36 AM] Mark Dansie: I actually consulted a few people at the time to see if this was an ethical thing to do and no one had any issue with it. I was simply selling a share in something that was given to me.
[4:00:09 AM] Mark Dansie: Hope this all helps. I think Wayne is a genuine person but like many others we have seen is perhaps misguided by their own (and in this case others) analysis of what happened.
[4:00:23 AM] Mark Dansie: Or what they were seeing
[4:00:45 AM] Sterling D. Allan: yes, helpful. thx
[4:02:37 AM] Mark Dansie: I never changed my views or what I publicly claimed about the technology even after receiving the share. In fact i always claimed I had never verified it but it could have some potential but a POC was needed which I pushed for on many occassions
[4:04:55 AM] Sterling D. Allan: POC=?
[4:06:26 AM] Mark Dansie: proof of concept I.E a working device that can be measured to support the claim. He had several working devices but they were not at the time of my inspections self running in a sense that all the inputs and outputs could be measured and accounted for.
[4:07:06 AM] Mark Dansie: I was always told they did have them self running at times but never when I was there did any of the devices run long enough to account for the inputs.
[4:07:57 AM] Mark Dansie: I gave a lot of advice what would be required to measure or show a validation.
[4:09:15 AM] Mark Dansie: Some of the trips there I paid for. The first one he paid my airfares but no fees.
[4:10:08 AM] Sterling D. Allan: but no fees.
were there ever any fees paid?
[4:10:17 AM] Mark Dansie: I received an email from Wayne along with all the other people involved a couple of days ago regarding this but have no other news
[4:11:59 AM] Mark Dansie: No I never received any fees , like I said just some travel expenses. The share was given as a gift at a latter date. I twas not as a fee for service as i made it very clear. he said he liked me and wanted me to be part of it.
[4:13:11 AM] Mark Dansie: I cant see to find much news on the web about this I feel sad for them all, and of course I am still a very small share holder.
[4:15:35 AM] Sterling D. Allan: I was contacted by a reporter, and, per your permission, have been relaying what you’ve said to her; which hopefully will help clear things up.
[4:15:51 AM] Mark Dansie: Hopefully
[4:17:05 AM] Mark Dansie: But make it clear I never validated the technology. I did state once that if validated it could replace wind and solar as a primary source or alternative energy. However I never saw it validated in my visits
[4:17:40 AM] Sterling D. Allan: that’s my understanding of your reporting as well; as we have stated at PESWiki from years ago.
[4:18:31 AM] Mark Dansie: anyway I hope things are going better for you at the moment you been through some rough times. No matter our differences you are a human
[4:20:39 AM] Mark Dansie: just make sure the jounalist gets three things clear. I never validated the technology. I never received any fees other than travel costs and the share was a gift unsolicited and partially liquidated at a time when i and everyone else was of the understanding the company was having a big investor come in. The sale was to raise funds for people in need here after the Yolanda typhoon
[4:22:17 AM] Sterling D. Allan: relayed
[4:22:28 AM] Mark Dansie: thanks
[4:23:45 AM] Mark Dansie: ps your reporting lately has been good and I believe balanced
[4:24:00 AM] Mark Dansie: need to get some sleep

 After Thoughts

After this conversation Sterling sent me a link to his soon to be published article. He asked for my input, correction or comments. I replied with the following.

Hi Sterling
You put a true and accurate record of our conversation. I would edit Jim  to just our mutual friend Jim.

My only other comment
1. There there were a lot of people including an engineer convinced this was real. It shows the importance of the having a running proof of concept that is fully validated by qualified independent third parties.

2. From reading what you have reported a big issue here has a lot to do with over promising the returns to the investor rather than pointing out the risk.

3. Having a patent does not also mean something works as claimed.

I can never be sure but Wayne seemed to be a genuine believer he really had something. He often argued in various forums about the maths, theory and validity.


For me this experience was a big learning curve. I have good friends like TK, Milehigh and the late Mark E who at times kept me on the straight and narrow as far as being unbiased in assessing the technology. They believed along with many others that the technology could not work. I received form them some criticism for my conduct at times that was perhaps well deserved and taken as guidance.

I also mentioned that I introduced to Wayne other engineers and scientists in my conversation with Sterling who along with myself stressed the importance of having a POC or proof of concept working demonstration.

The one question I have asked myself would I under the same circumstances without hindsight sold the share to assist others? The answer is yes. With hindsight knowing what would happen in the following two years I would have acted differently.

As for the technology I feel for all the people who were involved many with good faith. I was always impressed by the community spirit surrounding this project and felt is was a good project for that reason. I was however unaware of the methods Wayne used to raise funds and how he spent them as reported in the article linked above.

I am not sure is there any upside from this, and I am sure I will receive some criticism. I must always remain transparent and answer to any actions, decisions or statement I made in the past.

I feel for the family, friends and all the volunteers involved and they are all decent people. Some over the years had contacted me privately regards the investment and I always stated that I am not an investment adviser, but I had never seen any data or working proof of concept that supported the claims.I know in one case they liquidated some of their holding.

I am sure as time goes on the truth of what happened will come out. Wayne;s innocence or guilt about the way he raised funds is in the hands of the lawyers and courts. As far as the technology goes it still is not validated with a POC  from my limited information since my last visit two or three years ago.

Kind Regards


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KPP Rosch Innovations: The saga continues (again)


Update again 

Given Sterling is now not available for comment I am trying to seek Stuart to comment and verify the following post and update (Thanks Matt)

July 17, 2016

Update: The Austrian club “GAIA” that promoted and offered the 5kW bubbler has released a paper about a meeting at July 7th. 129 customers gathered to hear about the project. Summary: They give up on the Aukw because they do not get it to work, Rosch seems to have not delivered the original components (which does not necessarily mean that those would have worked anyway), the money from the down payments from customers is gone, GAIA seems to be almost bancrupt, they say they are not able to refund the money. They will now concentrate on developing other energy technologies (WTF?) and they are offering customers 60kW Rosch bubblers with a rebate (WTF?). In other words, the 5kW Aukw is dead.
Rosch is alive however, they are still showing their 60kW KPP to potential customers and investors. Recently they had it measured by a renowned German company called DEKRA, which is kind of similar to “TÜV” (actually it was their German licensee who ordered the measurements). The report states that the unit ran autonomously and generated about 55kW excess energy, but it also mentions that all measuring points were fixed and given by Rosch, there was no examination of the KPP itself and no search for hidden cables. DEKRA has been informed and they seem to be not amused and will do a revision. Earlier this year Rosch applied for a patent for the bubbler (they claimed for years that they have a”patented technology”, finally they now have at least an application), but they did not apply for an official examination, this has now been done by a third party (which is a very active team from the German allmystery forum). The examination will most probably send the patent to the bin.

Original story

I am still smiling after viewing our video of the week regarding the KPP Rosch technology. There are some classic quotes for example “We are not getting more energy out than in we are just changing it” Thank you Matt for the link. We still await the first KPP generator to be delivered and independently confirmed from Gaia. In the mean time more distributors have been appointed and the question remains what happens next.

nexusNexus has covered the Rosch technology in the latest addition of the magazine  The video accompanied the article. It was titled: “Le KPP génère de l’énergie en mouvement perpétuel !”  (The KPP generates energy in perpetual motion !}

Link: http://www.nexus.fr/video/planete/le-kpp-genere-de-lenergie-en-mouvement-perpetuel/

The video appears to have been shot in April and posted recently.

Other News: In Matt’s words: “There are some news. We now have two official “licensees” of the Rosch “technology”. A Dutch company,www.zilverstroom.com, and a German company called “Die erste KPP GmbH”, www.kpp.one. As usual, they both have their problems with correct units and basic physical facts. 




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Revolutionary PollutionFree Energy ????


Scanning the Sunday news I came across this and thought it might make an interesting conversation piece, There is a never ending supply of Free Energy Devices.


According to G-Control INC


G-CONTROL INC. studied this need to come up with a revolutionary energy production idea, Breakthrough Energy – Anti Gravity Technology. As Gravity is an inherent energy and the most ideal zero carbon energy; the energy produced by Anti Gravity Technology will be completely population-free; hence, completely earth-friendly.

The main objective of Breakthrough Energy – Anti Gravity Technology’s inventor G-CONTROL INC. was to develop a kind of energy that is easily available, is absolutely population-free and is comparatively far cheaper than any other energy available these days; and the best thing is that, G-CONTROL INC. has been able to succeed in achieving its objective. Though if this Breakthrough Energy – Anti Gravity Technology was invented somewhat 50 years back, factors affecting climate change and earth damage could have been controlled vastly, but it is still not too late because in the worst case scenario – if this energy was invented 50 years later, the earth would be in a horrible state, and the climate changes would have been at their worst.

Though a lot of research work is being done regarding how to control climate changes? How to reduce energy consumption, so that fuel consumption could also be reduced? How to control pollution caused by energy production? How to reduce energy crisis? How to reduce energy prices? But, after this invention a lot of unanswered questions will be fully answered regarding energy crisis and pollution control.


Breakthrough Energy – Anti Gravity Technology Invention is coming from physical phenomena, with no technical and technological bottleneck energy conversion is realized by two cylinders, which is incomparable with the thermal power, nuclear power, wind power, hydropower and solar power. Utility patent(US):8919111.

For more information, please go to http://d.eqxiu.com/s/wVBTc2VD


Media Contact
Company Name: Breakthrough Energy – Anti Gravity Technology
Email: usgcontrol11@gmail.com
Country: China
Website: http://d.eqxiu.com/s/wVBTc2VD

Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/3038594#ixzz4HGENQdbZ


Device for obtaining internal energy from liquid by utilizing buoyancy and method therefor
US 8919111 B2      
A device for obtaining internal energy from liquid by utilizing buoyancy includes: an inner body (2); a sealing strip (3); a shell body (5); an axle (1) and liquid, wherein the sealing strip (3) is mounted between the shell body (5) and the inner body (2), a liquid entrance (6) is provided at a bottom portion of the shell body (5), the inner body (2) is connected to the axle (1), an energy transformer is connected to the axle (1) or the shell body (5). Internal energy not used in the liquid is transformed into mechanical energy by a combination of the liquid, the inner body (2) and the axle (1). The present invention also provides a method for obtaining internal energy from liquid by utilizing buoyancy.
What is claimed is:
1. A device for obtaining internal energy from liquid by utilizing buoyancy and features of doing work, comprising: an inner body; a sealing strip; a shell body; an axle and liquid, wherein said sealing strip is mounted between said shell body and said inner body, a liquid entrance is provided at a bottom portion said shell body, said inner body is connected to said axle, an energy transformer is connected to said axle or said shell body.
2. The device for obtaining internal energy from liquid by utilizing buoyancy and features of doing work, as recited in claim 1, wherein said inner body is a ¼ cylinder barrel connected to said axle at a center thereof.
3. The device for obtaining internal energy from liquid by utilizing buoyancy and features of doing work, as recited in claim 1, wherein said shell body is a ½ cylinder barrel, a cube barrel or a cuboid barrel, said sealing strip is connected to a position dividing said shell body into equal halves, a first half of said shell body is a sealed liquid room, a second half of said shell body is a gas communicating room, a liquid entrance is provided respectively at a bottom portion of said sealed liquid room and said gas communicating room.
4. The device for obtaining internal energy from liquid by utilizing buoyancy and features of doing work, as recited in claim 1, wherein said energy transformer is a device capable of storing the mechanical energy produced by said inner body and outputting the mechanical energy in mechanical energy form, said energy transformer can be a generator, an energy storing cylinder, a lifting pump or a spring mechanism.
5. A method for obtaining internal energy from liquid by utilizing buoyancy and features of doing work, comprising steps of:
a) disposing an inner body inside a shell body and to a first side of a sealed liquid room of the shell body, wherein the inner body is sealed by a sealing strip, a density of liquid equals to a density of the inner body, a second side of the shell body, which is a gas communicating room, communicates with atmosphere;
b) inputting the liquid having a pressure P into the sealed liquid room of the shell body through a liquid entrance, wherein the liquid puts a horizontal force F on the inner body, the inner body is driven to rotate towards the gas communication room of the shell body by the horizontal force F of the liquid, a weight of the inner body does a work Wg under gravity after being free from buoyancy of the liquid, which means that the work is done in a rotation form in a gravity field, an axle spins with the inner body, a work doing progress is finished after the inner body rotates from the sealed liquid room to the gas communicating room, wherein a work Wp done by the inner body to an outer system and the Wg is inputted into an energy transformer;
c) releasing the liquid in the sealed liquid room via the liquid entrance after the liquid finishes doing work to the inner body, wherein energy Wl is obtained when the liquid is released, and the sealed liquid room changes into a new gas communicating room, the energy Wp is fed back through the energy transformer to the liquid released for obtain energy Wl+Wp=W to restore energy of the liquid, an energy loss of the liquid is paid back by the energy Wp, the energy of the liquid remains constant; and
d) closing the sealed liquid room for forming the new gas communicating room and opening the gas communicating room for forming a new sealed liquid room, inputting the liquid, which has restored the energy, into the new sealed liquid room for doing work to the inner body in the sealed liquid room, wherein the inner body rotates by gravity after returning into the gravity field and obtains another energy Wg again, repeating steps above again and circularly.
6. An energy transmitting device, comprising:
a shell body having an inner space,
a first liquid entrance and a second liquid entrance mounted at a bottom portion of said shell body, wherein liquid is inputted or outputted through said first liquid entrance and said second liquid entrance,
an axle mounted inside said inner space and capable of communicating with an outer system, wherein the outer system is driven by said axle when said axle rotates,
an inner body provided inside said inner body, wherein a bottom portion of said inner body is connected to said axle and is capable of rotating with said axle synchronously when driving by the liquid or a weight of said inner body,
a sealing device mounted between said shell body and said inner body for dividing said inner space into a first room and a second room, wherein when said inner body rotates, the liquid in said first room does not flow into said second room, and vice versa, the liquid in said second room does not flow into said first room,
a pump driving by an outer power resource, comprising a first communicating tube and a second communicating tube connected to said first liquid entrance and said second liquid entrance respectively, wherein said pump is capable of driving the liquid into said shell body,
a first valve and a second valve mounted in said first communicating tube and said second communicating tube respectively, wherein said pump is capable of driving said first valve and said second valve to open or close for determining that the liquid is inputted into said first room or said second room, and
a barrel connected to said pump for storing the liquid, wherein when said inner body is in said first room, said pump drives said first valve to open and said second valve to close for driving the liquid in said barrel into said first room, said inner body is driven to rotate by a pressure of the liquid and then by said weight of said inner body as well as the pressure of the liquid for rotating into said second room, said pump stops after said inner body rotates into said second room and the liquid returns to said barrel, said pump works again and drives said first valve to close and said second valve to open for driving the liquid in said barrel into said second room, said inner body is driven to rotate by the pressure of the liquid and then by said weight of said inner body as well as the pressure of the liquid for rotating into said first room, said pump stops after said inner body rotates into said first room and the liquid returns to said barrel, repeating progresses above again and circularly in such a manner that the outer system is driven by said axle.
7. The energy transmitting device, as recited in claim 6, wherein said sealing device is connected to a position dividing said shell body into equal halves.

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Acoustic tractor beams Could Lead To Levitating Humans


LG wants levitating speakers in every home, but what about gravity-defying humans? Well, science could well be on its way to making us float too, thanks to a breakthrough in sonic levitation. Engineers from the University of Bristol have demonstrated that it’s possible to trap (essentially levitate) objects larger than the wavelength of sound in an acoustic tractor beam — a tricky feat due to rotating sound field transfers causing objects to spin uncontrollably. The discovery could open the doors to real-life applications, including the contactless control of drug capsules or micro-surgical implements within the body, and touchless assembly on production lines. Most exciting of all, it could lead to the levitation of larger objects like (you guessed it) humans.

Credit:  Saqib Shah  Engadget


Acoustic tractor beams could lead to levitating humans

The discovery could open the doors to real-life applications, including the contactless control of drug capsules or micro-surgical implements within the body, and touchless assembly on production lines. Most exciting of all, it could lead to the levitation of larger objects like (you guessed it) humans.

The Bristol team managed to control the rate of rotation using rapidly fluctuating acoustic vortices, which the researchers describe as “tornadoes of sound, made of a twister-like structure with loud sound surrounding a silent core.” By rapidly changing the direction of the vortices, the researchers were able to stabilize the tractor beam and increase the size of the silent core to hold larger objects.

The breakthrough allowed them to hold the largest object yet in the tractor beam, a two-centimetre polystyrene sphere, working with ultrasonic waves at 40kHz (a similar pitch to that which only bats can hear).

The researchers claim that all that’s required for levitating larger objects is more acoustic power. So, we may not need jet-powered hoverboards after all.

        his article originally appeared on Engadget           University of Bristol

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