The Rosch discussion is still continuing (and Rosch are still being promoted by PESN) but the comments on the last article have now exceeded the limit after which Disqus gets to be a bit unreliable in showing them all, so some users are starting to see their comments disappear and reappear somewhat randomly.
We thus need a new string for the discussion, since I don’t see this stopping anytime soon. There are still announcements fuelling the fire, and I suppose there will be bound to be a court case sometime as people realise that their orders have not been delivered (and won’t be) and that their money has disappeared.
There’s also bound to be discussion of the other goings-on at PESN here, since there are an unfortunate number of dubious things to discuss. Given the editing that happens, if you’re going to talk about something scurrilous then maybe it’s a good idea to not only give a link but also copy/paste the specific selection you’re talking about so it doesn’t get disappeared when others go look.
Although we’d rather talk about good science here, the bad science and magical thinking do tend to garner most comments if you look at the site history. This is probably because the good science doesn’t need countering.
Welcome to some new whitespace to fill….
Update 25 July 2015 to add some useful links that people have put into the comments:
Stuart’s comments are at (thanks PA32R)
Now changed to (29 July 2015), and again to (31 July 2015). Changed again to “kppisreal” and so I think Stuart is reading this and changing it frequently. Just click on his name in the comments (use the links below) if you want to see what he’s replied. Obviously he’s not proud of what he’s written if he thinks changing the link to it will keep it secret.
PESN and PESWIKI comments are at and (thanks Pete).
Rosch patent application is at and the subsequent patent application from 2012 is at (thanks sci)
It looks like this is going to keep going for a while, and I’ll add any other useful links that turn up.
The post Rosch overflow appeared first on Revolution-Green.